As you prepare to list and sell your home, it can become important to make sure that your home is in tip-top shape before even listing it. If the home needs even small repairs, it can be a major deterrent for potential buyers. While upgrades may be needed, they aren’t considered as a necessity. However, if your home requires major repairs or even minor repairs related to safety issues, they are very much a necessity before the home can be listed. The last thing a potential buyer wants is a surprise repair and additional costs, especially after going through the entire home buying process. So that leaves us with the question, what repairs should be completed before selling your home?
What’s the Difference Between Repairs and Upgrades?
It’s important to be aware of the difference between having to make necessary upgrades vs. necessary repairs. Because of the competitive housing market, upgrades can make a huge difference in the sale, but to be clear they are completely optional. The difference between upgrades and repairs is that upgrades are not entirely necessary, while repairs can and should be a necessity before listing the home. Things like plumbing fixtures, flooring, siding, and the foundation should all be properly inspected for repairs before the home is listed. Updating light fixtures and putting on a fresh coat of paint could be considered upgrades and may not be necessary.
Electrical Wiring Repairs
One of the most prominent repairs to make before selling your home is repairs to your electrical systems and wiring. Faulty wiring can be extremely dangerous if left unrepaired, with fires being the main result. Electrical wiring repairs are relatively inexpensive, but could run up to as much as $10,000 for a 1200 sq. ft. home. Making sure your circuit breakers and electrical panel are up to code is generally required as well.
Foundation Problems
If your home doesn’t have proper drainage, it could lead to foundation issues. These issues can be very costly and tough to deal with. According to the Foundation Repair Network, even a small crack in your foundation can cost between $800 to $1,500. Some signs that you may have foundation damage include visible cracks in the foundation, windows that don’t close properly, slanted floors, and cracks in the interior of your home. With the foundation being such an important part of your home’s structural integrity, you should get these problems looked at well before you list the home for sale in your local real estate market.

Heating and Ventilation Issues
If you are trying to sell your home and it has noticeable heating and air problems, you’ll likely need to get specialized repairs before you sell the home. New HVAC systems can be extremely spendy, but if your home already has an air conditioning unit, a professional technician can make repairs that save you thousands in the process. Other ventilation systems in your home can include bathroom and kitchen fans. If these don’t pass inspections, it may be something as simple as a light blockage. Cleaning out these vents can help you pass inspections and sell your home faster.
Water Damage
If you have any plumbing issues with your home that has resulted in water damage, you’ll want to check current codes and determine whether it is one of the repair projects needed before listing your home. Plumbing issues can result in expensive repairs but the selling process will go a lot easier if you don’t have code violations and the property damage or water damage has been addressed. Small issues like a minor cosmetic repair for a water heater don’t necessarily need to be fixed before selling your home.

Talk to Your Realtor
When you’re looking to sell your home, you should really consult with your real estate agent and get an idea of things that may or may not need to be repaired. Getting a pre-inspection done before you list can give you a great idea of things that need to be fixed so your home can pass inspection and sell for your asking sale price. Make sure that you address electrical issues, roof issues, and other major repairs as soon as possible. Making these important repairs can help sell your home quickly after listing.