The DNA of #CRE Survey, hosted by theBrokerList & Buildout, is now open until March 30, 2020. This survey is for commercial real estate brokers and marketers and helps identify best practices within the industry. Not only that, the survey establishes important benchmarks for CRE brokerage success.
Last year’s survey results for the marketing side, highlighted the importance of commercial real estate images and drone technology. Additionally, 90% of participants said they use email marketing for they commercial listings.
The 2019 DNA of #CRE Survey also reported that most marketed listings on social media were on Facebook (80%), LinkedIn (74%), and Twitter (61%).
More on the 2020 DNA of #CRE Survey
This year’s survey takes less than 10 minutes and it is open until March 30th. Survey respondents are eligible for prizes as the survey hits participation milestones!
For its 5th anniversary, Buildout and theBrokerList rebuilt the DNA of #CRE survey from the ground up using feedback on what CRE professionals want to know about the industry.
You can take the survey here: http://bit.ly/38W4y2d