Real Estate Tips

Real Estate Team Meeting Ideas

By Lauren Vaccaro Last Updated January 5, 2023 2 min read

Endless slogans exist to emphasize the importance of teamwork, and you learn the concept as young as grade school—because great teams do great work. 

One way to keep your real estate team aligned is to host regular meetings. Meetings should have a purpose and add value to the day. Today, we are sharing a few ideas to keep your team and meetings on track. 

Why should you meet with your real estate team?

Meetings are a great way to connect face-to-face with your team. In the fast-paced world of real estate, it’s necessary to set aside time for the bond that meetings create. Meetings are also motivating. Hearing business updates from bosses and peers can encourage agents to perform their best. Finally, meetings are a set way to give and receive updates. 

What to discuss in a real estate meeting?

Setting an agenda for any meeting is a good idea. Knowing what you want to discuss ahead of time will keep you on track, save time, and help your team be in the know. Here’s a general agenda that might help you get started:

5 minutes: Manager’s Update 

This should be a brief update from the team manager or brokerage owner, any housekeeping items, and new employee introductions. 

20 minutes: Roundtable Agent Updates 

This is an opportunity for each person to share sales updates; it should only take about two minutes per person. 

10 – 15 minutes: Expert Lesson 

Take time to educate your team on topics like digital marketing, closing a deal, etiquette for showings, etc. 

5 -10 minutes: Recognitions and Fun

Recognize outstanding employees and sales, plus add in something fun each meeting, such as a game or giveaway.

End the meeting and allow people to mingle if they want. 

Meeting Ideas

Regardless of the format for your real estate team meeting format, here are a few ideas to incorporate: 

1. Save room for fun: Meetings don’t always have to be serious. Comradery thrives when there is time for a bit of fun. This can look different each time, but try things like ice-breaker games, real estate trivia with fun prizes, a demonstration on trendy closing gifts, or share a few funny real estate memes. 

2. Recognize great work: It feels good to get recognized by your boss, but it feels great in front of your peers. Boost self-esteem and encourage hard work by recognizing successes. You can make a regular award, switch it up each time, or offer certificates or gifts. 

3. Share strategies: The beauty of a team is learning from one another. Meetings are a great time for strategizing and sharing sales techniques. You can ask a different agent to share at each meeting or offer the floor to anyone with an idea. 

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