Texting is a popular communication method for a lot of people. That includes your clients! Texting real estate leads and sending real estate messages to clients is easier than ever, so why not take advantage?
Some agents may already text real estate messages to clients like pros, but if you need some pointers, we have all you need to know about texting your clients and three text message scripts to try.
Why should you text real estate clients?
Texting, or SMS, allows for instant communication between you and your clients. This can feel awkward at first, but the data doesn’t lie.
Recent data shows that 70% of people check their notifications (including texts) within five minutes of receiving them. 71% will check their notifications within 10 minutes of waking up.
Plus, you can—literally—access anyone at any time. Let’s throw in that 64% of people use their phones on the toilet to prove that point.
Finally, while markets vary, most home buyers are Millennials and Gen Zers, meaning they’re more comfortable connecting through digital methods.
What are the benefits of using texting scripts for real estate?
Sending texting scripts for real estate allows you to manage leads and clients simultaneously. As opposed to calling, which is time-consuming, you can efficiently juggle everyone and convert more leads to sales.
You can also gather data and other helpful information to connect with your clients, like where they are looking to sell or buy.
Your next step is to find real estate text message ideas and give them a try.
Real estate text message ideas
If you’re ready to try texting with your clients, use these real estate text message scripts to close your next sale.
Text message prospecting
For successful text message prospecting, don’t rely on old contacts or buying lists off the internet. It’s inauthentic and not very likely to translate to leads.
Instead, have a form that prospective clients can fill out on your website or social media accounts. Once you have your potential leads, it’s time to work on converting them with a solid digital marketing strategy!
Welcome message
Sending a welcome message is your first step. A generic welcome message might turn away a potential lead, as no one wants a boring sales pitch in their inbox. Instead, try something more personable and welcoming:
Hi there, {first name}! Thanks for signing up for SMS updates. Are you looking to buy or sell a home?
Thanks so much for signing up for text messages with [put your name and agency here]. What can I help you with today, {first name}?
Follow-up text message
For a follow-up text message to a cold lead, give one of these follow-up text messages to a client a try:
Good morning, {first name}, are you still interested in {buying/selling}? Please let me know how I can help you.
Swap out and personalize information as necessary to make it more personable. Leads are much more likely to respond when your follow-ups are sincere.
Promote upcoming events
Are you at a local festival or hosting an event where everyone is welcome? Maybe you have an upcoming open house? Promote it through text! Send a quick invite like this:
Hi, {first name}! This is {your name/agency}. You’re invited to {event} on {date and time}. We’ll be at {address}.
We have upcoming open houses at {address, date, and time}. Looking forward to seeing you there, {first name}!
For even more efficiency, use an autoresponder that will present people with options immediately. An automated system will immediately direct people who want to buy or sell instead of clients waiting for you to review your leads.
Snag more clients with Virtuance
While you’re busy texting new leads and managing your existing clients, let Virtuance ensure your listings have covetable professional real estate photography, 3D virtual tours, and marketing enhancements to lock in your next sale.
With a solid text message marketing plan and consistent brand image, you’re more likely to close more deals and attract more clients.
You can use texting scripts for real estate for prospecting potential clients and starting a conversation with those looking to buy or sell or home.
It can easily be done and is great for managing multiple clients.
Texting is a direct and fast way to get in touch with real estate clients. Your job is to update them on potential homes and to be ready to handle any of their concerns during the process.
Texting, as long as the content is appropriate, is more than okay—and often preferable—for real estate clients.